Atividades de interpretação e gramática para o 6º ano - Inglês

My name’s Carla. I love CDs and books. When I don’t have homework to do, I usually get a good book to read or choose a nice CD to listen to.
Jessie is my sister. She is a very good student and she studies very hard. She also likes swimming very much.
Jorge is my brother. He is a bit lazy (preguiçoso) and doesn't study very hard. So he sometimes gets bad grades. I always tell him to study harder!
1- Responda as questões de acordo com o texto:
a) Are Jorge and Jessie students? _____________________________________________________
b) Who is bad at studying? __________________________________________________________
c) What sport does Jessie like to practice? ______________________________________________
2-      Now, circle TRUE or FALSE according to the text.
a) TRUE    FALSE  -  Carla loves music and films.
b) TRUE    FALSE  -  Carla has one sister and one brother.
c) TRUE    FALSE  -  Jorge likes to study.
d) TRUE    FALSE  -  The name of the boy is Jorge.
e) TRUE    FALSE  -  Jessie likes swimming.
4. Read the sentences. Replace the words in bold with the subject pronoun.
Yasmin is a pretty girl.
Mariana and I are from Brazil.
Derek is a History teacher.
Paulo and you like sports.
This house is big.
The dogs are brown.
5- Calculate and write the numbers in full.

a) 15 + 15 = _______thirty_________
b) 73 – 33 = ____________________
c) 18 + 10 = ____________________
d) 40 + 52 = ____________________
e) 96 – 26 = ___________________
f)  30 + 22 = ___________________
g) 33 + 33 = ____________________

6- Complete the sentences using am, are or is.
a) They _________ engineers.
b) She __________ an intelligent girl.
c) Pamela _________ nice.
d) I ________ a student.
e) The program _________ at night.
f) This subject __________ simple.
g) We __________ all in Curitiba.
h) You __________ not Argentinean.
7- Passe as frases abaixo para as forma negativa e interrogativa:
a)      Mary and Thomas are good friends.
N- _______________________________________________________
I - _______________________________________________________
b)      Brazil is a very big country.
N- _______________________________________________________
I - _______________________________________________________
c)      Liza is at school now.
N- _______________________________________________________
I - _______________________________________________________
d)      My dog is very beautiful.
N- _______________________________________________________
I - _______________________________________________________
e)      New York and São Paulo are big cities.
N- _______________________________________________________

I - _______________________________________________________

My name’s Carla. I love CDs and books. When I don’t have homework to do, I usually get a good book to read or choose a nice CD to listen to.
Jessie is my sister. She is a very good student and she studies very hard. She also likes swimming very much.
Jorge is my brother. He is a bit lazy (preguiçoso) and doesn't study very hard. So he sometimes gets bad grades. I always tell him to study harder!
1- Responda as questões de acordo com o texto:
a) Are Jorge and Jessie students? _____________________________________________________
b) Who is bad at studying? __________________________________________________________
c) What sport does Jessie like to practice? ______________________________________________
2-      Now, circle TRUE or FALSE according to the text.
a) TRUE    FALSE  -  Carla loves music and films.
b) TRUE    FALSE  -  Carla has one sister and one brother.
c) TRUE    FALSE  -  Jorge likes to study.
d) TRUE    FALSE  -  The name of the boy is Jorge.
e) TRUE    FALSE  -  Jessie likes swimming.
4. Read the sentences. Replace the words in bold with the subject pronoun.
Yasmin is a pretty girl.
Mariana and I are from Brazil.
Derek is a History teacher.
Paulo and you like sports.
This house is big.
The dogs are brown.
5- Calculate and write the numbers in full.

a) 15 + 15 = _______thirty_________
b) 73 – 33 = ____________________
c) 18 + 10 = ____________________
d) 40 + 52 = ____________________
e) 96 – 26 = ___________________
f)  30 + 22 = ___________________
g) 33 + 33 = ____________________

6- Complete the sentences using am, are or is.
a) They _________ engineers.
b) She __________ an intelligent girl.
c) Pamela _________ nice.
d) I ________ a student.
e) The program _________ at night.
f) This subject __________ simple.
g) We __________ all in Curitiba.
h) You __________ not Argentinean.
7- Passe as frases abaixo para as forma negativa e interrogativa:
a)      Mary and Thomas are good friends.
N- _______________________________________________________
I - _______________________________________________________
b)      Brazil is a very big country.
N- _______________________________________________________
I - _______________________________________________________
c)      Liza is at school now.
N- _______________________________________________________
I - _______________________________________________________
d)      My dog is very beautiful.
N- _______________________________________________________
I - _______________________________________________________
e)      New York and São Paulo are big cities.
N- _______________________________________________________

I - _______________________________________________________

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