Game/Quiz - Trivial Questions TRIVIAL QUESTIONS

1.             What's the most commonly used letter of the alphabet?
2.             How do you say "not organized" in one word?
3.             How can you write the phrase "grade A" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same?
4.             How do you say "not qualified" in one word?
5.             What letter is silent in the word "business"?
6.             How can you write the phrase "a nice man" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same?
7.             What's the most frequent letter that begins words?
8.             What is the yellow part of an egg called?
9.             What letter is silent in the word "talk"?
10.        How do you spell "14th"?
11.        End this common phrase: "Elephants have a very long..."
12.        What letter is silent in the word "comb"?
13.        What's the most common pair of letters in words?
14.        How do you say "not employed" in one word?
15.        Who makes children laugh at a circus?
16.        How do you call your grandmother's sister?
17.        Who plays the music at a disco?
18.        What does ET stand for?
19.        What letter is silent in the word "people"?
20.        How do you call a person that takes care of animals at the zoo?
21.        What's the most frequent final letter of words?
22.        What word can be a verb, noun, adjective, preposition, conjunction, interjection and a verbal auxiliary
23.        What letter is silent in the word "autumn"?
24.        What letter is silent in the word "handsome"?
25.        How can you write the phrase "tulips" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same?
26.        What letter is silent in the word "hourglass"?
27.        Who climbs mountains?
28.        What's the opposite of "deep"?
29.        How do you say "not honest" in one word?
30.        What does UFO stand for?
31.        How do you call your wife's brother?
32.        How do you call your sister's son?
33.        What's another word for "fix"?
34.        The word "funny" means both "amusing" and...
35.        How do you call a person who farms bees?
36.        Who checks the financial books?
37.        What does UN stand for?
38.        What are the things you tie on your shoes?
39.        How do you say "not happy" in one word?
40.        What is the outside of an egg called?
41.        What is an electric machine for cleaning carpets called?
42.        How many ways can you say the number "0"?
43.        What's the short form of "until"?
44.        How do you say "not suitable" in one word?
45.        How do you call the player that guards the goal in soccer?
46.        What word means "correct" as well as "the opposite of left"?
47.        How many days are in one year?
48.        How many cookies make a dozen?
49.        How many zero's follow the "1" in one million?
50.        How many sides does an octagon have?
51.        How many years are in a decade?
52.        How many people can a hang glider carry?
53.        How many minutes are in there in  two hours?
54.        How many grams are in a kilogram?
55.        How many wheels does a tricycle have?


1 - E 29 - Dishonest
2- Disorganized 30 - Unidentified Flying Object
3 - gray day 31 - Brother-in-law
4 - disqualified 32 - Nephew
5 - I 33 - Repair
6 - An ice man 34 - Strange
7 - S 35 - Beekeepers
8 - Yolk 36 - An Accountant
9 - L 37 - United Nations
10 - Fourteenth 38 - ShoeLaces
11 - Memory 39 - Unhappy
12 - B 40 - Shell
13 - Er 41 - Vacuum Cleaner
14 - Unenployed 42 - Zero, oh, nought, nil
15 - Clown 43 - Till
16 - Great-aunt 44 - Insuitable
17 - DJ 45 - GoalKeeper
18 - Extra Territorial 46 - Right
19 - O 47 - 365
20- Zookeeper 48 - 12
21 - Like 49 - 6
22 - N 50 - 8
23 - D 51 - 10
24 - Gold 52 - 2
25 - Two Lips 53 - 120
26 - H 54- 100
27 - A mountaneer 55 - 3
28 - Shallow

1.             What's the most commonly used letter of the alphabet?
2.             How do you say "not organized" in one word?
3.             How can you write the phrase "grade A" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same?
4.             How do you say "not qualified" in one word?
5.             What letter is silent in the word "business"?
6.             How can you write the phrase "a nice man" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same?
7.             What's the most frequent letter that begins words?
8.             What is the yellow part of an egg called?
9.             What letter is silent in the word "talk"?
10.        How do you spell "14th"?
11.        End this common phrase: "Elephants have a very long..."
12.        What letter is silent in the word "comb"?
13.        What's the most common pair of letters in words?
14.        How do you say "not employed" in one word?
15.        Who makes children laugh at a circus?
16.        How do you call your grandmother's sister?
17.        Who plays the music at a disco?
18.        What does ET stand for?
19.        What letter is silent in the word "people"?
20.        How do you call a person that takes care of animals at the zoo?
21.        What's the most frequent final letter of words?
22.        What word can be a verb, noun, adjective, preposition, conjunction, interjection and a verbal auxiliary
23.        What letter is silent in the word "autumn"?
24.        What letter is silent in the word "handsome"?
25.        How can you write the phrase "tulips" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same?
26.        What letter is silent in the word "hourglass"?
27.        Who climbs mountains?
28.        What's the opposite of "deep"?
29.        How do you say "not honest" in one word?
30.        What does UFO stand for?
31.        How do you call your wife's brother?
32.        How do you call your sister's son?
33.        What's another word for "fix"?
34.        The word "funny" means both "amusing" and...
35.        How do you call a person who farms bees?
36.        Who checks the financial books?
37.        What does UN stand for?
38.        What are the things you tie on your shoes?
39.        How do you say "not happy" in one word?
40.        What is the outside of an egg called?
41.        What is an electric machine for cleaning carpets called?
42.        How many ways can you say the number "0"?
43.        What's the short form of "until"?
44.        How do you say "not suitable" in one word?
45.        How do you call the player that guards the goal in soccer?
46.        What word means "correct" as well as "the opposite of left"?
47.        How many days are in one year?
48.        How many cookies make a dozen?
49.        How many zero's follow the "1" in one million?
50.        How many sides does an octagon have?
51.        How many years are in a decade?
52.        How many people can a hang glider carry?
53.        How many minutes are in there in  two hours?
54.        How many grams are in a kilogram?
55.        How many wheels does a tricycle have?


1 - E 29 - Dishonest
2- Disorganized 30 - Unidentified Flying Object
3 - gray day 31 - Brother-in-law
4 - disqualified 32 - Nephew
5 - I 33 - Repair
6 - An ice man 34 - Strange
7 - S 35 - Beekeepers
8 - Yolk 36 - An Accountant
9 - L 37 - United Nations
10 - Fourteenth 38 - ShoeLaces
11 - Memory 39 - Unhappy
12 - B 40 - Shell
13 - Er 41 - Vacuum Cleaner
14 - Unenployed 42 - Zero, oh, nought, nil
15 - Clown 43 - Till
16 - Great-aunt 44 - Insuitable
17 - DJ 45 - GoalKeeper
18 - Extra Territorial 46 - Right
19 - O 47 - 365
20- Zookeeper 48 - 12
21 - Like 49 - 6
22 - N 50 - 8
23 - D 51 - 10
24 - Gold 52 - 2
25 - Two Lips 53 - 120
26 - H 54- 100
27 - A mountaneer 55 - 3
28 - Shallow

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