Trecho do livro Entrevista com o Vampiro e atividades sobre o filme PART I

" I see . . .' said the vampire thoughtfully, and slowly he walked across the room towards the window. For a long time he stood there against the dim light from Divisadero Street and the passing beams of traffic. The boy could see the furnishings of the room more clearly now, the round oak table, the chairs. A wash basin hung on one wall with a mirror. He set his brief case on the table and waited. " But how much tape do you have with you? " asked the vampire, turning now so the boy could see his profile. " Enough for the story of a life? " " Sure, if it's a good life. Sometimes I interview as many as three or four people a night if I'm lucky. But it has to be a good story. That's only fair, isn't it? " " Admirably fair, " the vampire answered. " I would like to tell you the story of my life, then. I would like to do that very much. " " Great, " said the boy. And quickly he removed the small tape recorder from his brief case, making a check of the cassette and the batteries. " I'm really anxious to hear why you believe this, why you . . . " " No, " said the vampire abruptly. " We can't begin that way. Is your equipment ready? " " Yes, " said the boy. " Then sit down. I'm going to turn on the overhead light. " " But I thought vampires didn't like light, " said the boy. " If you think the dark adds to the atmosphere. " " But then he stopped. The vampire was watching him with his back to the window. The boy could make out nothing of his face now, and something about the still figure there distracted him. He started to say something again but he said nothing. And then he sighed with relief when the vampire moved towards the table and reached for the overhead cord. At once the room was flooded with a harsh yellow light. And the boy, staring up at the vampire, could not repress a gasp. His fingers danced backwards on the table to grasp the edge. " Dear God! " he whispered, and then he gazed, speechless, at the vampire. The vampire was utterly white and smooth, as if he were sculpted from bleached bone, and his face was as seemingly inanimate as a statue, except for two brilliant green eyes that looked down at the boy intently like flames in a skull. But then the vampire smiled almost wistfully, and the smooth white substance of his face moved with the infinitely flexible but minimal lines of a cartoon. " Do you see? " he asked softly.

1- The movie Interview with the Vampire is based in which novel?

2- Where does the story take place? 


3- What does make Louis different from the others vampires?         
4- What are the difference among Anne Rice´s Vampires, Bram Stocker vampire´s and Stephenie Meyer´s vampire?

5- Why do they go to Paris?_____________________________________________________________________________

6- Lestat tells Louis that the dark gifts are different for each one. What are some of the vampire’s powers?

7- Why do the vampires want Louis company?

8- Qual o único crime entre os vampiros? Eles são condenados a que?

9- Why did Claudia and Louis try to kill Lestat?

10- The boy asks Louis about myths related to vampires like garlic, crucifixes and coffins. What does he say about it?

11- Em quem foi inspirada a personagem Cláudia?

12- What´s the only way to become a vampire? Is it possible a vampire to get pregnant?

13- After Louis gives Madeleine the dark gift of the vampire, Louis speaks to Claudia of the experience for him. “What died tonight in this room was not that woman... What has died in this room tonight is the last vestige in me of what was human.” Discuss for whom did he let himself die. Why was it necessary that his humanity die?

14- Over the years Rice has been asked why she chose the vampire as her hero. If you were Rice, how would you answer the question?

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" I see . . .' said the vampire thoughtfully, and slowly he walked across the room towards the window. For a long time he stood there against the dim light from Divisadero Street and the passing beams of traffic. The boy could see the furnishings of the room more clearly now, the round oak table, the chairs. A wash basin hung on one wall with a mirror. He set his brief case on the table and waited. " But how much tape do you have with you? " asked the vampire, turning now so the boy could see his profile. " Enough for the story of a life? " " Sure, if it's a good life. Sometimes I interview as many as three or four people a night if I'm lucky. But it has to be a good story. That's only fair, isn't it? " " Admirably fair, " the vampire answered. " I would like to tell you the story of my life, then. I would like to do that very much. " " Great, " said the boy. And quickly he removed the small tape recorder from his brief case, making a check of the cassette and the batteries. " I'm really anxious to hear why you believe this, why you . . . " " No, " said the vampire abruptly. " We can't begin that way. Is your equipment ready? " " Yes, " said the boy. " Then sit down. I'm going to turn on the overhead light. " " But I thought vampires didn't like light, " said the boy. " If you think the dark adds to the atmosphere. " " But then he stopped. The vampire was watching him with his back to the window. The boy could make out nothing of his face now, and something about the still figure there distracted him. He started to say something again but he said nothing. And then he sighed with relief when the vampire moved towards the table and reached for the overhead cord. At once the room was flooded with a harsh yellow light. And the boy, staring up at the vampire, could not repress a gasp. His fingers danced backwards on the table to grasp the edge. " Dear God! " he whispered, and then he gazed, speechless, at the vampire. The vampire was utterly white and smooth, as if he were sculpted from bleached bone, and his face was as seemingly inanimate as a statue, except for two brilliant green eyes that looked down at the boy intently like flames in a skull. But then the vampire smiled almost wistfully, and the smooth white substance of his face moved with the infinitely flexible but minimal lines of a cartoon. " Do you see? " he asked softly.

1- The movie Interview with the Vampire is based in which novel?

2- Where does the story take place? 


3- What does make Louis different from the others vampires?         
4- What are the difference among Anne Rice´s Vampires, Bram Stocker vampire´s and Stephenie Meyer´s vampire?

5- Why do they go to Paris?_____________________________________________________________________________

6- Lestat tells Louis that the dark gifts are different for each one. What are some of the vampire’s powers?

7- Why do the vampires want Louis company?

8- Qual o único crime entre os vampiros? Eles são condenados a que?

9- Why did Claudia and Louis try to kill Lestat?

10- The boy asks Louis about myths related to vampires like garlic, crucifixes and coffins. What does he say about it?

11- Em quem foi inspirada a personagem Cláudia?

12- What´s the only way to become a vampire? Is it possible a vampire to get pregnant?

13- After Louis gives Madeleine the dark gift of the vampire, Louis speaks to Claudia of the experience for him. “What died tonight in this room was not that woman... What has died in this room tonight is the last vestige in me of what was human.” Discuss for whom did he let himself die. Why was it necessary that his humanity die?

14- Over the years Rice has been asked why she chose the vampire as her hero. If you were Rice, how would you answer the question?

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